Graduates Placement Programme help page

Notes: Steps to Complete the Placement Process

  • Create an Account or Log In

    If you don’t have an account, please create one, or log in if you already have an account as outlined on the top manu above.

  • Dashboard - Join or Add New Company

    After logging in, go to the Dashboard, where you’ll find the options to "Join" or "Add New Company" clearly indicated by buttons on the page.

  • Add Your Details

    In the next step, you’ll be prompted to provide additional details about yourself, such as your designation. Once done, please save and continue.

  • Dashboard - Add a Division

    On returning to the Dashboard, please add at least one division where students can be placed.

    • Note: "Division" represents departments in companies that do not have designated departments.
  • Assign Learners to a Division

    Once you have divisions set up, click on "Learners" under any division on your Dashboard. Here, you’ll see the list of learners.

    • Note: For new divisions, no learners will be listed initially. In this case, please click the "Add Learners" button on the page menu.
    • This will take you to a page where you can select a category to add learners from and begin placing them in the division.
    • You can use the filters "All," "Available," and "Recruited" to facilitate communication between recruiters from your company or other companies about the graduates.

For further queries, please contact: